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NET Youth

The NET Youth offer is a two-to-three-week programme aimed at getting 16-24-year olds back into work or education. It is an intensive course that will give young people specific industry qualifications, help build their confidence, get them used to a routine and prepare them for the world of work. It will also give them the opportunity to meet with local employers, training providers and guest speakers who will be invited in to share their experience with the group.

Based in Grimsby, we work with Jobcentre Plus, YPSS, the Grimsby Institute and a range of employers to help young people into work or education.

What was the best thing about the course?
  • Very useful and fun.
  • Group engagement and group activities.
  • The mock interview as I took away the most information from it.

We normally run at least one NET Youth course every month and referrals can come through any of our partner agencies. Alternatively, you can contact us here for more information.

Benefits of NET Youth

Once the course is completed there are a variety of pathways open to each candidate. Previous NET Youth learners have gone on to:

Develop your skills


We can put the candidates in touch with employers via traditional methods or by way of kickstarts.
Free Courses & Support


We work with a number of providers and can advise the candidate about effective traineeships and apprenticeships in the area.
Maths & English


We work with the Grimsby Institute and can help with applying for courses, including Functional Skills Maths, English and ICT.
learner support


At NET we run sector-specific courses aimed at getting people trained and into work. These include care, stewarding, production work and business admin.

Entry requirements

  • Must be 16-24
  • Not in education or in employment
  • Must be able to commit to a two-to-three-week programme
  • Must be able to work towards a Level 2 qualification
of learners would recommend the course to others
Learners rated the teaching an average of 9.29 out of 10